bbox = None
# Define a bounding box for the location of the object in the first video frame.
bbox = (820, 510, 420, 180) # race car
# Check if the a bounding box has been defined. If not, display the initial frame and alow the user to
# manually select the bounding box with the mouse.
if bbox == None:
# This will display the first frame of the video. Use the mouse to specify a bounding box
# around the object to track. When done, hit the space bar or Enter key to complete the operation.
bbox = cv2.selectROI(frame, False) # Note: this may cause python to hang on Mac OS.
frame_copy = frame.copy()
displayRectangle(frame_copy, bbox, color=(0, 255, 255))
# Initialize the tracker with the first frame and a bounding box to identify the object of interest.
tracker.init(frame, bbox);
while True:
ok, frame =
if not ok:
# Start timer
timer = cv2.getTickCount()
# Update tracker
ok, bbox = tracker.update(frame)
# Calculate Frames per second (FPS)
fps = cv2.getTickFrequency() / (cv2.getTickCount() - timer);
# Draw bounding box
if ok:
drawRectangle(frame, bbox, color=(0, 255, 255))
drawText(frame, 'Tracking failure detected', location=(80,140), color=(0, 0, 255))
# Display Info
drawBannerText(frame, tracker_type + ' Tracker' + ', FPS : ' + str(int(fps)))
# Write frame to video