Minimal project template:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<Project DefaultTargets="Build" xmlns="">
<Compile Include="helloworld.cs" />
<Target Name="Build">
<MakeDir Directories="$(OutputPath)" Condition="!Exists('$(OutputPath)')" />
<Csc Sources="@(Compile)" OutputAssembly="$(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).exe" />
<Target Name="Clean">
<Delete Files="$(OutputPath)$(AssemblyName).exe" />
<Target Name="Rebuild" DependsOnTargets="Clean;Build" />
Targets can be called explicitly (uncommon) with the CallTarget task
<CallTarget Target="TargetA;TargetB" />
Targets can have dependencies
<Target Name="TargetC" DependsOnTargets="TargetA;TargetB" />
Invoking TargetC will then be followed by TargetB
<Target Name="TargetB" AfterTargets="TargetC" />
Invoking TargetC will then be preceded by TargetA
<Target Name="TargetA" BeforeTargets="TargetC" />
Conditional invocation
<Target Name="TargetC" Condition="$(DoIt)" />
Typically .proj imports .targets, and .targets imports .props
Import .tasks where needed
<Import Project="Common.props" />
The mother ship is
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
Special targets defined in Microsoft.CSharp.targets
<Target Name="BeforeBuild" />
<Target Name="AfterBuild" />
Generate locale folders (cross join):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project DefaultTargets="CrossJoin" xmlns="">
<Locales Include="en;fr" />
<Files Include=";" />
<Target Name="CrossJoin">
<OutputFiles Include="@(Files)">
<Message Text="%(OutputFiles.Locale)\%(OutputFiles.Identity)" />
Bring in custom task
<UsingTask AssemblyFile="file name" TaskName="task name" />
Custom tasks extend Task (recommended) or at implement ITask.
Consider using inline tasks.
Recursive list of files
<Compile Include=".\**\*.cs" />