Python Classes
class MyInt:
'''Docstring for MyInt'''
def __init__(self, val):
self.value = val
def __add__(self, other):
return MyInt(self.value + other)
def __repr__(self):
return f'MyInt({self.value})'
def __str__(self):
return f'{self.value}'
def square(self):
"Return the square of the value"
return MyInt(self.value**2)
num = MyInt(42)
num + 5 # calls .__add__ the .__repr__ methods
# In Jupyter use ``??`` to see source code
class Employee:
'Common base class for all employees'
empCount = 0
def __init__(self, name, salary): = name
self.salary = salary
Employee.empCount += 1
def __del__(self):
class_name = self.__class__.__name__
print class_name, "destroyed"
def displayCount(self):
print "Total Employee %d" % Employee.empCount
def displayEmployee(self):
print "Name : ",, ", Salary: ", self.salary
The getattr(obj, name[, default])
− to access the attribute of object.
The hasattr(obj,name)
− to check if an attribute exists or not.
The setattr(obj,name,value)
− to set an attribute. If attribute does not exist, then it would be created.
The delattr(obj, name)
− to delete an attribute.
Common dunder variables:
− Dictionary containing the class’s namespace.
− Class documentation string or none, if undefined.
− Class name.
− Module name in which the class is defined. This attribute is “main” in interactive mode.
− A possibly empty tuple containing the base classes, in the order of their occurrence in the base class list.
# multiple inheritance
class SubClassName (ParentClass1[, ParentClass2, ...]):
'Optional class documentation string'
# Common dunder methods
__init__ ( self [,args...] )
Constructor (with any optional arguments)
Sample Call : obj = className(args)
__del__( self )
Destructor, deletes an object
Sample Call : del obj
__repr__( self )
Evaluable string representation
Sample Call : repr(obj)
__str__( self )
Printable string representation
Sample Call : str(obj)
__cmp__ ( self, x )
Object comparison
Sample Call : cmp(obj, x)