
Command Mode

  • CTRL-SHIFT-h - Open a help popup

  • a - Above

  • b - Below

  • CTRL-Enter - Run

    • c, x, v - copy, cut, paste
  • ii - Interrupt Kernel

  • 00 - Restart Kernel

Edit Mode

  • TAB - Completion
  • Shift-TAB - Documentation
  • ESC - Back to command mode w/o running
  • CTRL-Enter - Run


  • Add ? to functions and methods to see docs
  • Add ?? to functions and methods to see source
  • Add cell magic to make matplotlib plots show up:
%matplotlib inline
  • See cell magics
  • Add ? to magic for docs

Magic keywords

# set up matplotlib to work interactively in the notebook

# time how long it takes for a function to run
%timeit fibo1(20)

# time how long it takes for a whole cell to run

# render figures directly in the notebook
%matplotlib inline

# On higher resolution screens, use
%config InlineBackend.figure_format = 'retina'

# turn on the interactive debugger

# convert a notebook to HTML, slides
jupyter nbconvert --to html notebook.ipynb
jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to slides
jupyter nbconvert notebook.ipynb --to slides --post serve
