Design Patterns
Abstract Factory
- A Factory represents a "family" of objects that it can create
- Everyday usage: DbProviderFactory is an abstract base class for SqlClientFactory
- Everyday usage: SqlClientFactory.CreateCommand() creates instances of DbCommand
- Creational
Active Record
- A database table or view is wrapped into a class.
- Typically, foreign key relationships will be exposed as an object instance of the appropriate
type via a property.
- Everyday usage: Entity Framework or any other ORM, object persistence tools
- Resolves incompatible interfaces
- Everyday usage: Entity Framework
- Structural
- Abstraction -> Abstraction -> Implementation
- Everyday usage: .NET provider model, e.g. IFormatProvider
- Structural
- Useful when you have a constructor with lots of parameters
- Example: Jimmy John's (order from a menu) vs. Subway (specify all the ingredients)
- Has a Director base class, which defines the assembly steps
- Has 2 or more Concrete Builder child classes, which actually create objects
- Similar to Template Method, but for constructors
- Creational
Chain of Responsibility
- Everyday usage: exception handling
- Message handling
- Behavioral
- Represent an action as an object
- Everyday usage: ICommand (in MVVM or just generally)
- ICommand may include additional methods like Validate(), Undo(), Compensate(), etc.
- Behavioral
Composite (Tree)
- Treats leaves and branches the same (nodes)
- Everyday usage: Email can send to individuals or groups
- Structural
Decorator (wrapper)
- Attach additional responsibilities to an object (but use the same interface)
- Example: caching repository
- Even sealed classes can be wrapped
- Structural
Event Aggregator
- Subscibers subscribe only to the event aggregator instead of all the subscribers
- The event aggregator typically uses weak references to minimize memory leaks
- Use when: there are many publishers and subscribers
- Hides complexity
- Everyday usage: foreach
- Structural
Factory Method
- A base class or interface defines the creation method
- Subclasses implement the creation method in different ways
- "Everyday" usage: IDbCommand.CreateParameter(),
- Creational
- Instead of each instance containing all the data, shared objects are passed in
- Everyday usage: Graphics context in drawing, string interning
- Structural
Identity Map
- Everyday usage: Database table has a unique primary key
IIFE (Immediately-Invoked Function Expression) (JavaScript ES5)
- Anonymous function that's invoked at the time it's declared
- Provides encapsulation
- Reduces global scope pollution
- (function() { ... })();
- The interpreter builds objects based on a grammar expressed in EBNF
- Related to composite pattern
- Example: a laser scanner interprets a UPC bar code
- Behavioral
- Everyday usage: foreach and IEnumerable<T>
- MoveNext() and Current
- yield return
- Behavioral
Lazy Load (several variations)
- lazy initialization
- Every property checks to see if its backing field has been initialized
- Requires all access to the value to go through the property
- .NET provides the Lazy<T> type to enforce this
- virtual proxy
- Can introduce identity problems
- Proxy isn’t really the object – different object identities and states
- Override the equality method (Equals())
- Most useful for collections
- value holder
- Provides lazy load functionality without encapsulation
- Calling code knows it is working with a Value Holder type
- You're probably better off using Lazy<T>
- ghosts
- A ghost is a real object in a partial state.
- Initially, the ghost only contains its id.
- Whenever any property is accessed, the ghost class loads all of its state from the
- Essentially, the object is its own virtual proxy
- Note that this violates the Single Responsibility Principle
- Avoids identity concerns of virtual proxy technique
- Mediator provides a centralized location for communication between many instances of like
- Use when: There are many objects of a similar type that need to communicate with each other.
- Colleagues: Individual components that need to communicate with each other
- Implement the same base type (abstract class or interface)
- Have knowledge of the Mediator component
- Mediator: The centralized component that managed communication between the colleague
- Behavioral
- Operations are placed on an Undo stack, undone operations are placed on a Redo stack
- The <em>originator</em> is the object whose state is being tracked.
- The <em>caretaker</em> performs operations on the originator.
- The <em>memento</em> holds the state of the originator.
- Use when: undo/redo
- Behavioral
Null Object
- Provide a non-functional object in place of a null reference
- Often implemented as a static inner class of a base class
- Uses events to notify changes automatically
- Publish/Subscribe relationship
- Synchronous; the observable notifies the observers immediately (either directly or through
an Event Aggregator)
- Risk of memory leaks, see Event Aggregator
- Everyday usage: Event Handlers
- Everyday usage: IObservable<T> and IObserver<T>
- Behavioral
- Creational
- Placeholder / Stand-in for actual object
- Everyday usage: SOAP Service Proxies
- Structural
- Uses events to notify changes explicitly
- Publish/Subscribe relationship
- Asynchronous, generally uses a message queue
- Links:
- [Generic Data Manager](
Revealing Module (JavaScript ES5)
- Function scoping provides encapsulation
- 2 flavors: Singleton or Constructor Function
- Separate the logic of each individual rule and its effects into its own class
- Separate the selection and processing of rules into a separate Evaluator class
- Use when you have a growing amount of conditional complexity
- Special case of the Command pattern
- Links:
- [Soft Coding](
- [Should You Use a Rules Engine?](
- [Simple .NET Rules Engine Discussion (StackOverflow)](
- [Business Rules Engines](
- [Intro to WF Rules Engine](
Service Locator
- Identify a service through configuration
- Example: Domain Name Service, IoC container
- Createional
Simple Factory
- Decides which concrete type to return
- Everyday usage: System.Threading.Tasks.TaskFactory.Run() creates instances of Task
- Creational
- Example: return (instance == null) ? new MyClass() : instance;
- Everyday usage: static
- Breaks Single Responsibility Principle
- Difficult to test
- Anti-pattern, better to use IoC container
- Creational
- Defines a predicate that matches qualifying objects
- Predicates in LINQ look like Expression<Func<T, bool>> to play nicely with ORMs
- Part of domain-driven design (DDD)
- Implement an FSM with state objects derived from a base class
- Use when: the behavior changes at runtime
- Code smell: switch statements based on state
- Behavioral
- A class behavior or its algorithm can be changed at run time.
- Everyday usage: delegate parameter in method call
- Everyday usage: delegate parameter in constructor
- Behavioral
Template Method
- Base class defines the (sealed) template method, subclasses override steps
- Clients depend on base class
- Everyday usage: ASP.NET
- Use when:
- 2 or more classes follow the same workflow
- The workflow is invariant
- Some workflow steps may be encapsulated in the base class
- Behavioral
Unit of Work
- Track changes in persistent objects and commit them in a batch
- Everyday usage: ADO.NET SqlDataAdapter, Entity Framework
- Efficient data access
- Reduces concurrency problems
- Manages transactions
- Puts all the logic for all of the classes in a single Visitor class
- Implement interface IBlah { void Accept(IVisitor visitor); } in each of the classes (double
- Implement interface IVisitor, which has a method for each type to be visited
- Use when: looping over a collection of unrelated objects and performing an operation on each,
without modifying them
- Behavioral
Design patterns (and anti-patterns) site
Design patterns in Java tutorial